Mimi's day wasn't quite as fun as mine. Mom dropped her off at the vet's this morning for her first chemo treatment. The vet gave her a sedative so she would relax and be still for the IV treatment. The vet said she did fine and Mimi was very happy to hear mom, so much so she cried and wagged her tail. Mimi was acting funny when mom brought her home, mom said she was still sedated. She must be feeling better now because she barked at the pizza delivery guy and polished off some boiled chicken for dinner. (Hey, I didn't get any chicken)
Mimi looked funny when she returned home, both her front legs where yellow with green hearts on them. Weird! Mom removed whatever those were before Mimi had a chance to chew them off. Her next chemo treatment is in three weeks. I guess that means more doggie daycare for me!
Time to curl up with Mimi and nap.
Good night and good treats.