Merry Christmas everyone. Mimi and I got to visit Santa Claus this weekend at the Grateful Dog Bakery. There were a lot of dogs there so we sniffed many friends. We also received many treats from the nice ladies there while we waited for Santa. When it was our turn, we sat on his lap and mentioned all the things we want for Christmas: treats; snacks; food; etc. Santa did not ask if we'd been good girls this year but does he really need to ask.
We also got to see Grandpa G this weekend at the rehab facility. He was very happy to see us, as were the other residents. We got lots of pets and attention but NO food. Couldn't they see we were starving to death? Oh well, mom had snacks for us, I guess that's okay.
So now it's back to life as usual. Stay warm, good night and good treats.