Well we were off to a busy day today. First, we stopped at Pet Supplies Plus to restock our favorite brand of canned dog food. When we got there, some folks were trying to get some cats adopted. Needless to say, Mimi and I were very interested and excited to make some new feline friends; unfortunately, we were not successful. There was a cage full fo kittens who really weren't nearly as interested in us as we were in them. There was also another adult cat who hissed and swiped at us from its cage. I figured I'd leave him alone; Mimi, on the other hand, took great offense for some reason, and refused to leave - she really wanted to give that cat the business.

Anyway, we finally got out of Pet Supplies, and headed off to the main attraction of the day: Woofstock 2010 at the Grateful Dog in North Ridgeville, Ohio. Lots of vendors and events, and plenty of treats to go around. Mom and Dad entered me in a Weiner Dog race - it was kinda hot, so I didn't really run that hard, but at least I finished. It helped that Mom had some jerky to "motivate" me. Of course, Mimi was a hit as usual - people would actualy gather around just to see her and pet her. She's such a little attention hound! Not that I'm complaining - total strangers give us treats for no apparent reason, so if Mimi wants to be a media darling, so much the better for me and my tummy!

Speaking of treats, we even got a goodie bag just for coming. Lots of good stuff to munch on, like homemade pumpkin biscotti. Mom wouldn't let us hold on to the bag on the ride home, though - I don't know why she doesn't trust us.
We were pretty wiped out by all the fun and excitement we had today, so we've pretty much just been vegging since we got home. I'm so tired, I'm barely able to watch my Mom and Dad write this blog - somehow, I'll manage. Speaking of which, I think I hear Mimi snoring. Sounds like an invitiation to join her, so I think I'll sign off for now. Good night, and good treats!