Patty here. What a day we had! Mom, dad, Mimi and I went to Toledo to the National Dachshund races. We weren't there to race, we were there to visit other dachshunds and root on our cousin, Winston.
Winston ran in the puppy division and won his race. Yea, cuz!
Mimi and I were enjoying all the attention we were getting there. Everyone loved my dapple coloring and, of course, Mimi's colors. Even at a dachshund event, a white dachshund is unusual.
I was enjoying being in mom's lap and resting while those other dogs did all the running; that is, until the senior division came up.

There was only one racer in the senior division, and the organizer was asking for more "volunteers." My mom got the bright idea to enter me! So there I was at the starting gate with a 5 year old long hair on my right and a 10 year old long hair on my left. (with these odds, I was bound to get a ribbon) My dad was at the finish line holding Mimi and a favorite treat of mine. The gates opened, I stood there a bit confused, everyone was yelling, then I saw my dad with my treat and ran towards him. I came in second after the 5 year old (that's a senior dog?), and I got a red ribbon. Then they had another race between me and the 5 year old for the "top senior" dog. Again, dad was waving my treat at the finish line. This time I ran right out of the gate towards him and passed the other dog to win!!!
The organizer of the event asked my mom to speak about owning a disabled dog. Mom told the crowd that just because a dog is disabled in some way doesn't mean that they can't enjoy a wonderful life. Mom encouraged everyone to adopt a dog with disabilities. Mimi was up on stage with my mom and loving every minute of the attention. A reporter from the Toledo Blade even interviewed mom and dad about the two of us (we are now media darlings).

I'm home now, basking in my athletic glory, as you can see. As for Mimi, she's dreaming of the limelight and the hordes of pupparazzi that will be knocking on the door any time now. So until next time, this is Patty signing off. Good night, and good treats!